The only men who compliment me are over 65...

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but here it goes...

In the past three weeks, I've had at least four men over the age of 65 flirting with me and/or telling me how beautiful I am to the point where it makes me really uncomfortable. I specifically try to avoid even making eye contact and it still happens. I mean, I appreciate a compliment as much as the next girl but it does something to your pride when the ONLY guys that will compliment your appearance are men old enough to be your grandfather... And honestly, I don't get it.

I have been putting a little more effort in my appearance lately, but I'm overweight, I don't consider myself especially attractive and I don't dress in clothes that are overly tight or expose my cleavage. So I'm not exactly sure what they're seeing. But while I can barely get a guy my age to even give me the time of day, I get an 85 year old telling me I'm beautiful and "he knows how to appreciate beautiful women."

It's been happening so much now that it's becoming a running joke among my friends. Some say I should pull an 'Anna Nicole Smith' (for those not familiar, she married a rich man in like his 80's and inherited his estate when he died a few years later), others say I just have 'a kind face' and that's why I keep getting these guys coming up to me, still others say that I should cut my hair really short because they didn't flirt with me when I had a pixie cut.

So I guess my question is, how can I get more attention from guys closer to my age and less attention from these older guys?