Well Ive been reading your comments, and I'm not gonna lie I am young, I'm 19. when I did the topic I was so mad that i didn't thought of all the things I was writing, yeah that's inmature some May say. But I feel hurted because  he just told me because I saw it in his phone, I never expected to see that he had called his ex. It hurted because I know he would be mad if I did it, I wouldn't do it out of respect. And like a month ago he was mad with his sister because she kept talking and  inviting   her ex into their house,and he didn't wanted that. And seriously she didn't knew who else to talk about it? And he told me a few months ago that when she found out that we were hanging out, she kept saying things about me when she didn't even knew me. Wouldn't you be mad? Please I mean it hurts. And I agree that it's nothing wrong with talking with them, I mean I wouldn't be mad if I knew that they were still fiends or that they have a good relationship, but what would you think if he used to tell you that he knew she wasn't over him because of  the way she acted around him?  And supposedly she moved on with the guy she is asking  her ex for advice? And she didn't knew who else to talk about it?