Postpartum period

Canoli • AJH 💜 April 2019 JRH 💙 March 2021

So, I started my period back about 7-8 weeks PP. They haven't been regular at all would typically come every 3ish weeks. I was on the mini pill but stopped for a month last month and then started back again within the past few days. I'm breast feeding my LO, the first 3 months she wouls get a bottle of formula at bedtime and BF the rest of the time. We stopped the formula due to fpies so she's been EBF for 2.5 months. I am 31 days into this cycle with no period. I've taken 2 at home pregnancy tests (5 days ago when my period was supposed to start and today) both of which came back negative. Has anyone experienced this? Is it possible for a period to stop if I've been EBF now? Is this just normal hormonal stuff? Help!