Tired and depress


I just needed to rant. I think i’m not in a very healthy mental situation. I’m pregnant with my second. Now i’m 33 weeks. My first child is getting on my nerves. Crying, tantrum, angry sometimes without any cause. He doesn’t like to walk so he wants us to carry him around. Imagine i’m 8 months pregnant, i’m tired and i have to carry him. Sometimes while his angry and flip his body, i’m struggling while carrying him. I’m stress because i work online at home. Now i don’t have time for work. My son always wanna get my attention. I get angry and sometimes i wanna spank him. When he cries, i cry louder ! I thought about suicide twice ! I can’t handle my emotion. I think its the pregnancy hormone but i’m mostly just tired and i don’t have anytime for myself. Btw, my first son is 2yrs old