Heartbroken and depressed

I've recently broken up with my partner. We broke up because of continued arguments about small things. Together in eachother company we were great, he made me so happy and I think I made him happy. He told me so many times that I was the best thing he had ever had. The other day I caved and contacted him, initially he said that he didn't know if we would get back togther because his head was telling him it wouldn't work but his heart was telling him to give it another go. The conversation went on for a while he said he loves and misses me. He said I deserve better then he got annoyed and said that he wasn't going to be pushed into making a decision. He then said that he thinks it's best we dont get back together. He told me that our continued texts were unnecessary talking and that it should stop then he ignored the last message I sent. I just feel like a mess. 5.5 years togther and he dumps me over text. I didn't think that last time I saw him would have been the last 😢