Feeling EXTREMELY resentful of SO


And it’s not his fault 😫 he’s been out of town for work which he was VERY upset about as he missed our son coming home from the nicu and hasn’t seen him except via pics and vids for over 2 weeks now. LO is 3 1/2 weeks old.

Yet I’m at home, unable to sleep more than an hour at a time because LO fusses most of the night, running him to doctor appointments, glued to his mouth and my pump, missing work, barely even able to eat a meal, and feeling angry and resentful with SO because he gets to go back to a hotel room every night and watch tv until he passes out.

I don’t understand why I’m so mad at him because I LOVE parenting and enjoy every minute with baby boy.

How do I get over these feelings? I know they’re irrational but I’m so upset I’ve been ignoring texts and calls and stopped sending him pictures the last two days 😫 he asked me if I need help with anything and I almost lost my freaking mind on him. I KNOW it’s not his fault and he’s doing what he needs to for us as a family but I cannot get over what I’m feeling.