I feel like shit 😔

So for a while now, my SO would make comments when I get ready for work. Now I work in a bank and requires business attire. So I do my make up, not all extravagant all the time but sometimes it is. And I get dressed in slacks and what ever else I wear to work. This morning, I got up, took my son to school came home with my toddler and instead of waking up my SO, I let him sleep in and instead of making breakfast, I took the little bit of time to myself and watched a movie before I had to get ready for work. I guess that was a mistake cause once I did get ready and left, my SO was upset and pretty much didn’t talk to me during while I was getting dressed and when I left. So I asked him what was wrong and this was the conversation:

Am I wrong for reacting the way that I did to his dumbas comment? He didn’t respond to me and still hasn’t.