
Me and my husband stopped preventing a pregnancy January 2018. January 2019 I started tracking my ovulation day so we would be hitting the right days since nothing happened the first year. In this time so many of our friends have announced pregnancies. As happy as I am for them. It always comes back to me feeling broken since I cant seem to get pregnant. At all. We are in our early 30s. I just never thought itd be this hard. I cry about it a lot. It's just something we both want so bad. This month my husband is going to talk with his dr. and get tested to see if there is any issue there. Part of me Hope's they find something just so we have an answer. Another part of me wants them to find nothing so my husband doesnt feel at fault. I pray every night for a miracle at this point. If nothing comes by January we will look into adoption. I just really want to be a mommy 😥