Over it!

This <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> process has been a complete mind fuck. Excuse my bad language...... I’ve lost a total of 20 pounds within a month over it. Fresh transfer... positive Beta... hcg doubled... first ultrasound and my ovaries are still swollen and I was supposed to be 7 weeks but measured 6 weeks and 2 days. Couldn’t hear the heartbeat beat but saw the flicker and it measured 146.... she said my embryo implanted at the top of my uterus and she said that the ideal spot BUT it makes it hard to see or hear baby.

It’s so hard not to thing and feel the worst but I’m mentally tired.

PIO shots are kicking my butt!!

Oh! On top of all that I haven’t had not 1 symptom.

I need a hug. I need a vacation.. I need to crawl in a whole and cry for weeks.

I just needed to vent.