Boyfriend ex girlfriend says he son is my boyfriends kid

What could we do about this so

My boyfriend was with this other girl years ago before me and she had a boy but when my boyfriend was with her he wasn't in the right place to take care of the kid so she told him that her new boyfriend at the time was going to raise the kid as his and the girl but the last name of her boyfriend on the birth certificate and even on Facebook the kids named after her boyfriend/husband now. But she keeps sending my boyfriend messages saying that he needs to be in the kids life and theres no DNA test done and we tryed to get to know this kid 16 year old boy but all he wanted to do at pur place was play our game system and sit and be quiet didnt want to talk to my boyfriend... an his ex girlfriend was making passes while i was there.

But im not one to cause trouble so i just let it go but idk what we should do. Or how to help this lady understand that this kid doesn't want anything to do with my boyfriend...