Screaming at breast

Caitlin • ❤️❤️❤️

Baby is 6 months old been breast feeding since birth and been taking a bottle since 2 months old. Been at daycare since 14 weeks.

Today once I got my baby home from daycare I went to go feed her and she started like screaming at my nipple and she wouldn’t to take the boob. I tried to calm her down and nothing was working. eventually defrosted some breastmilk from the freezer and gave her a bottle and she took that. in the middle of giving a bottle I stopped and tried to feed her from the breast again and still was screaming. I don’t know why she started to do that she’s never done this before. is it just because all day she took the bottle at daycare? I don’t really know what to do I’m going to try and offer the boob again before I put her down for bed. it’s just frustrating and kind of makes me sad if she’s going to choose the bottle over the breast because I’m afraid that will dry my supply up and I like the bonding I get when she breastfeeds.