Febrile Convulsion

Shara • Australia • 💕 Mother to Archer (June 2018) + Oscar (December 2019) + Charlie (July 2021) 💙💙💙

So last week, my son had a febrile convulsion. It was a warm night and we didn’t even know he had a virus. It was at 2am and he was having a rough night so I had him next to me. I felt him start convulsing and woke my husband to call the ambulance. He didn’t know what was going on. He had the seizure for 3-4 minutes and the ambulance was there after 5 minutes. I’m so thankful for the paramedics and the lady on the phone. I knew basics, like turn them on their side and don’t hold them down, make it a safe place for them and just reassure them that they’re okay. He had his eyes open the whole time and luckily he was breathing mostly normally. After it stopped, he went bright red in the face and was very upset. He was floppy. The paramedics were poking at him to try get him to react and he was obviously getting annoyed which was good. He ended up being admitted so they could do all the tests and thank goodness it was nothing more serious. They said it’s actually quite common in children to have febrile convulsions and it’s not unusual for it to be the first sign of a virus. Doesn’t help he’s teething at the moment too. We were in the hospital for 18 hours. He’s still getting fevers but we’re managing them with Panadol and Ibuprofen. He’s seeming much more himself now, finally, after 4 days. It was the worst moment of my entire life. Before this, the worst moment was when I was in a car that rolled 7 times in the middle of no where with no mobile service. I hope one day I’ll be able to let go of the anxiety because they’ve said it was most likely a one-off thing and hasn’t effected him at all. It was just so hard seeing my baby like that. I wish it could have been me which is stupid to say cause I’m 28 weeks pregnant. I’m so so lucky that it’s nothing on-going. I’m so lucky to have him.

Sorry for the long post but I felt like I needed to get my thoughts out there. It’s hard for me to talk about it out loud just yet. I take my hat off to all the parents that have to deal with this sort of thing in every day life. Hug your babies tight 💕💙💕💙