
Hannah • TTC#2-👧🏼👼🏼

Can anyone give suggestions on how to effectively pump and still have a supply to feed LO? I’m trying to get breast milk put up for bottle feeding, and keep a supply enough to feed her...I am taking a supplement, emptying breasts after she feeds, and she latches/nurses well. I’ve tried hydration drinks, lots of water, and have been searching desperately for something to help? I find that if I go some guidelines I found, which states to pump 30 minutes after a feeding, which should give my breasts time to be ready to nurse, there is never enough to satisfy her. I end up having to unthaw the milk I pumped and feed it to her in a bottle to have her content. It is very frustrating and it’s leaving me feeling like I’m not doing enough for her...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated