Can I use body wash for my hair, instead of shampoo?

I’m 23 years old, I’m not dumb, so don’t bring your negative comments here. I’m asking this because, well... let me just elaborate on the subject a little bit.

My husband only gets paid commission.. which means, he only gets money on things he sells for his company. Well, his check was a little short this week, and we did have to take a surprise visit to the hospital this past weekend for our daughter, so that kind of drained our pockets.

Well, he gave me my weekly amount of money to go grocery shopping, and well, it’s a little short of what he usually gives me to shop with. And that’s okay, I’m not complaining at all. But he doesn’t know that I have to cut a few things off the shopping list this week to make ends meet. Don’t worry, don’t come after me, I always make sure our daughter has food to eat, clothes, shoes, and clean sheets to sleep in at night. And I also didn’t cross anything off the list that he needs either, he works for the money he gives me so, he doesn’t deserve to do without. So, I’ve crossed out a couple things that I need this week, shampoo being one of them.

Don’t worry, I will buy it if I have the extra money when I come to the cashier counter... but if I don’t have the extra $$, then I will put it back. But just Incase that happens, is why I’m asking if body wash is okay to clean my hair with this week... next week I will be able to get some REAL shampoo. Please just no negative comments, as you just read, we have plenty of it in our lives already. Thanks in Advance.