Thought I was 8 weeks but I guess I'm 5 weeks


I had my first prenatal appointment today. I took a pregnancy test about September 3rd and it came back very positive. Then I took a blood test the next week and they said based on my HCG levels that I'm about 7 weeks, which matched up with my app. But the ultrasound at the appointment said that I'm about 5 weeks and 6 days... We did see a heartbeat, so that's very reassuring, but I'm still worried. Could it be that I just had high HCG levels early on in my pregnancy? Is that an okay thing? Also has this happened to anyone else where they weren't as far along as they thought and everything turned out just fine? I'm also pretty sad that I'm farther behind than I thought and now I'm back to worrying about miscarrying again when I had just barely stopped worrying.