My mom doesn’t like my boyfriend

So me and my mom are very close to one another we tell each other everything...but throughout my life she seems to negatively comment on any and every thing I do. She doesn’t like my boyfriend of 3 years because she says he not for me. I recently found out I was pregnant (4 weeks) I haven’t told her because she’s so judge-mental. Today she says “you need to get rid of him he seems to always have an attitude every time I see him”Honestly he might be nonchalant because he doesn’t like to be around people and fear of people judging him because he doesn’t have much money and we don’t go out as much. But we prioritize. I understand Sometimes were she’s coming from but sometimes it can get annoying. I feel like if I keep this baby she wouldn’t be happy because she don’t like my boyfriend. I don’t know what to do. I’m okay and secure of my relationship with my boyfriend...ladies I don’t know what to think....