Saying "I'm pregnant" is absolutely nuts!


For 2.5 years my husband and I haven't used protection. The first few months we tried really hard to get pregnant, you know, sex all the time, elevating your hips, ovulation tests, preseed, etc..After 1 year we went to the Dr. Where I was told I had low estrogen and she was certain that's why I couldn't get pregnant. She told me that birth control was the only way to raise estrogen and I needed to be on it for 3 months. I knew my body has never been good on birth control, but I did it anyway. I couldn't do it the whole 3 months.. I had migraines DAILY because of it! The next year and a half we decided we weren't going to try anymore until my husband finished school, but if it happened it happened. I woke up at 2am one night and just had a feeling to take a test. There it was, a BFP! To this day I still can't believe it! I had a feeling since I was 14 years old that I would never have my own kids, but now it's happening. I even thought that my first ultrasound they would find nothing there and it was in my head. It's real and I'm still trying to get used to it