

So this is a weird situation that’s been going on for almost two years. I started a new job and I went in for my first day and this guy caught my attention immediately. Unfortunately he was my boss. He was the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen. But we worked together and he was my boss so obviously that was a no go and I never said anything to him. Over the almost two years that I worked there my attraction to him continued to grow. He was so funny and always made me laugh and we had so much in common and he had this really sensitive side. I saw him at least 5 out of 7 days of the week so I grew a connection with him, I mean I saw and talked to him almost every day for a year and a half. I’ve never been stuck on one person for so long. Well long story short we don’t work together anymore and this feeling still hasn’t gone away. I’ve had boyfriends since working with him and I always felt the same way about him. I’ve had a few dreams about him in the past but now that I don’t ever see him it’s like 3-4 times a week and it’s driving me crazy. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that if two people are meant to be together the universe will find a way to unite them but I juts gave no idea. I don’t know if he even thinks about me in general. I really want to tell him so I can get this off my chest even if he doesn’t feel the same but at the same time I’m scared. I need some help. Has anyone ever been in this situation before and what helped you get out of it?