Ex Bff engaged...

So 2 years ago my boyfriend picked up me and my bff at the time from the mall and we went over to his sisters house cause they were having a bbq and that’s when my bff met his cousin she had recently broke up with her boyfriend and looked like she was looking for a rebound. Days after we found out that they started dating each other and she would be around mostly in every party we would have which I didn’t really mind I was like whatever cause she was my bff “since birth.” Then months after I found out she would just use me as an excuse saying she was with me while I was at work or at my boyfriend house. Then she would say she would be sleeping over at my house but she would actually be staying at her boyfriend place (the cousin). Then he started talking shit/making things up about me and my boyfriend to my bff mom & grandma. That’s when I stopped talking to her cause she practically chose him over our friendship and we grew up together so knowing that she would put me in a bad position with her family just to be with him hurt my feelings and I couldn’t be friends with a back stabber like that. Well 2 years later I just found out today that he proposed to her at the beach today. Just can’t believe she can be with someone like that and my boyfriend has told me how he acts and what he used to do when she wasn’t around him and I never said anything to her cause she will just accuse me of making it up and trying to ruin her relationship. Sorry for the long rant just had to share lol.