Selfish or stupid

How would I start this off

Couple months ago me and I would say close guy friend hooked up. I caught feelings but regret it since it could ruin the friendship . We moved on and just talk here and there about work . My I would say close girl friend confessed to me she has too hooked up with him and was in a way seeing him. She had a boyfriend of almost 2 years but was doing a long distance relationship thing. While she was dating her ex at the time she would hook up with the guy and I kinda got hints when they would talk but I didn’t think she would be capable of cheating.

Couple weeks pass and she said she was confused in between the guys. Told her she was selfish and not thinking about her current relationship. She said it’s was different back then she wasn’t able to see her boyfriend. I convinced her in a way to break up with her ex and stick to one guy. I’m over the fact she’s seeing both guys and hooked up with a bunch of other guys in between. I know it’s not my part in telling her ex or the guy but it’s gotten to point that I’m mad she’s using both guys and isn’t thinking about their feelings except hers.

Is she in the wrong and what should I do???