Cousin's pregnancy

Sarah • 31 & Married 4/27/19 💑💍 Mommy to a beautiful baby girl! PCOS & hypothyroidism.

My husband's cousin is pregnant and due in Nov. She was already pregnant of course the day we got married. She apparently told my husband it'd be so cool if she and I were pregnant together ...well, it's been almost 6 months of trying and nothing on my end..... the jealous part of me has been so bitter and defeated.... she posted their maternity photoshoot yesterday and the jealous part of me was like "nope. I'm not even gonna like them or comment" but after a while I thought "but.... I do think some of them are super cute.... and it isn't HER fault that i am not pregnant" so I reacted to the ones I loved. I guess the point of all this's disappointing when we are trying and don't fall pregnant and see others that are, but we need to remind ourselves that isn't THEIR fault that we aren't pregnant too. That doesn't mean we aren't allowed to feel sad, cry, or even angry. Just remember we can't blame others for our struggle. I know in my heart that his cousin would/does wish a baby for me too. I know things take time. For the last 5 months I would get so hopeful and cry when my period arrived. This month.... I'm just so doubtful anymore that I have finally been able to let go and just live life even if it has been a few short months. I guess this is kind of a vent post....