Damn Unlucky

Peyton • MC 7/12/19 • MC 9/30/19 • TTC 🌈 baby

I found out I was pregnant on July 4th and ended up having a miscarriage July 12th at 7weeks. We never got to see my OB before it happened. So this time I found out I was pregnant at 9DPO on September 11th. We went straight in for blood work. My first HCG came back as 17, two days later it came back as only 25. I was starting to worry but my OB wanted me to come back a whole week later, September 23rd, to get more blood work done and an ultrasound. My bloodwork came back as only 40. They think that it might be a blighted ovum but the ultrasound really didn’t find anything except for a hemorrhagic cyst on my right ovary that they aren’t worried about. My OB really doesn’t even know what to call it, and just says that I’m damn unlucky. I go back next Monday the 30th to get more bloodwork drawn to make sure my levels start dropping. Hopefully I’ll just pass it naturally again, even though it will be heartbreaking to be reminded of it. I am so discouraged and feel like my body is failing me, but they won’t do any testing to see if something is wrong until I miscarry for a third time. I am just so heartbroken.