I had an epiphany !!!!!

tay. • 23. | Georgia State Alumna💙🐾

in a week I’ll be 20. Im honestly emotional about it, because for the past 2 years, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I had been genuinely sad since I was 18..so many negative things had happened to me (damaging my hair EXTREMELY and having to cut it off, being sexually assaulted by a close male friend, not getting into my first choice college; etc). Moving on from high school was kind of difficult as well..I missed tf out of the days when I was 16, and things were simple. So for the past 2 years, I spent all of time, I guess, trying to recreate simpler times..(trying to get back to my weight @ 16 and then becoming extremely sad when the diets didn’t work😭, forcing relationships with extremely toxic people;etc). I guess I had my epiphany 2 weeks ago when I finally realized 2 things: 1.-in order to get better I had to let go, meaning I had to forgive everyone that had wronged me, and 2.-nothing stays the same..you have to move on. I sat and realized that I wouldn’t wanna be 16 year me ever again, I’m a lot wiser now. I literally sat in tears realizing that yes I changed, but for the better. I’m now excited to turn 20, ready to see what thing news and blessings that God has in store for me. Cheers to 20!!🙂🎉