Anxiety about emotional/physical intimacy

I’m a junior in college and the extent of my sexual experience is making out twice, neither of which were pleasant experiences. I went on a few dates in high school, but that’s it.

The idea of any sexual activity makes me anxious, I think partly because I have no idea what to do and hate being vulnerable in that way. But I do eventually want to be in a relationship and do crave emotional and physical intimacy, it’s just that when it actually comes to doing anything I get to anxious.

How does one put themselves out there for dating? I have hinge, but nothing has come out of it mostly because I just like people on it but never keep up any conversations because I know I’d be to nervous to go on a date. I also don’t think it would work for me, cause I really think I need to be friends with someone first before I could engage with them in romantic/sexual activity. I’m also 6’1, which significantly narrows down the playing field for me. Some of my friends tell me I should be open to dating someone short than me, but that would just make me self conscious of my height/size. I don’t want to feel like a giant (but that is for another post lol).

Any advice? I don’t know if I should start using Hinge more seriously, or maybe join more clubs on campus? Both?