Sleep regression I’m guessing

🦄 • 🤱🏻👨‍👩‍👦

Curious if anyone has any tips here.

Every sleep transition my son has the same problem. He wants to roll to his side or his stomach but once he gets there he’s upset and cries and screams. I thought it was a phase but it’s clearly not. He did it when he stopped being able to be swaddled. Then we didn’t get good sleep for weeks until I got him a Merlin’s magic sleep suit. He’s now 7 months and has been trying to lay on his side in the suit. So the last few nights he wakes himself constantly and cries I think trying to lay on his side. So I took him out of the suit hoping once he could get to his side he would stop freaking out. That was worse, then he could roll all the way over and scream. I would let him sleep on his tummy but he won’t put his head down he just screams. I ended up pulling him into bed with me but honestly I don’t sleep well that way it hurts my shoulder and I have to kick hubby out because he swings his arms and sleeps too heavy to be in the bed with baby. He still woke frequently to get upset. I’d have to replace the pacifier or tuck him closer to me or adjust him to get him back to sleep. I noticed when he’s sleeping with me he’s laying on his side curled up in the fetal position. Normally he has slept in a crib or bassinet next to my bed. But the last few nights little sleep was had because he seems to be possibly ready to leave the sleep suit but unsure about his sleep positioning or something along those lines. Help!