Formula and upset tummy??

Sarah • IVF Momma 🤍 Angel Momma🤍

I’ve recently started giving my LO formula in between nursing so she starts getting used to it. I’ve given similac advance and recently similac pro sensitive. I’ve never noticed any issues, but the last couple days I’ve noticed she cries/fusses and passes gas or poops. Her diapers have been greenish. And smell terrible- but that could be normal im just used to BF diapers. She’s always had gas but never seemed to bother her that much when EBF. But she is kind of a fussy baby but I think it’s due to boredom/wanting held, etc. Also I’ve never changed my diet so I don’t think that’s ever been an issue but idk, maybe?? She absolutely refused a bottle so we’ve been working on that. She’s lil better. Sometimes she sucks down the formula and other times she throws a fit and I have to keep trying. I don’t want to force feed her though so I quit when it’s obvious she doesn’t want it. Shes also 3 months and I know there’s a growth spurt/ Leap 3 around this time and I feel like her eating/ sleeping habits have changed the last few days. Is this a normal adjustment and keep trying since it’s only been a week or should I be trying a diff formula?? I hate not knowing😔