I had really strong connection with this boy that went to my school, the only problem was he had a gf. And ik you’re all thinking like “I hope she didn’t mess with a boy who had a gf” or “flirted with him”. Truth is i gotta get this off my chest cuz idk what to do and i’m so sad...

So basicallyyy I tried not to overstep boundaries in his relationships. Also it’s not like his girlfriend was a random either. I know her, we smile in the halls but thats about it. One of my friends is best friends with this girl but we don’t talk. But anyways once again i tried not interfering with their relationship. Although she talks really bad about him and she admitted that she was in it to spite other girls she had problems with, i still continued to keep my distance knowing she didn’t deserve him. He is such a genuinely good guy like ughhhh, so nice, cute, funny, athletic,etc. Let me remind you this couple has been on and off for two years and she admitted she had no feelings for him to her best friend. They have never even hung out with each-other outside of school yet lived 3houses from each other.

But I continued throwing little hints. There was one week that he started hinting at the fact that no one loved him so I guess I just assumed they had broken up. Me and him flirted and I honestly don’t feel bad about it because I REALLY liked this boy y’all. He always swiped up on my snapchat stories and i posted something in the summer abt basketball and he was like “i’ll whoop ur ass in bball and dunk on u” and i said something like “do ittt” and so the next day we met at the basketball court by our school he was acting awkward and not being as flirty around his friends. And later I had found out it was because Him and the girl were still dating. This was upsetting but i got on with life as usual.

One and a half months go pass and I find out He’s LEAVING AMERICA. Bro when i tell u how sad this was to find out. Like first me and him couldn’t talk outside of school bc he still was dating this girl who didn’t give a shit about him, and then secondly finding out he’s leaving the country. Now i feel a HUGEEE weight on my shoulders bc I always wanted to tell him how i felt about him but I feel like it’d be useless now bc we cant physically see each other. But then again maybe i’ll stop thinking about him if I just tell him how i feel/felt about him and why i never made any moves when he was still here.

Just an FYI they broke up the day he left be cause she didn’t wanna hurt his feelings bc he cared way more for their friendship/relationship than she did.

BUT WHAT SHOULD I DOO?? cuz i cant stop thinking abt him😫😫