11 days late but so worth the wait!


Well, I did not want to be induced but at 41 weeks I knew it was probably the right decision. I was scheduled for Monday which made me 41+4. L&D called me at 6:12 am telling me not to come in because they are currently full and someone would call me after shift change. No call, so I check with them at 8:30. All they know is that they're trying to get me in that same day so someone will call me around 12. No call. So at 1:15 I call back. They know nothing... Finally the nurse calls me at 2:20 and L&D asked my Dr if I could come at 5, he said no, push it to midnight. Ok whatever I'll be there. 3:05 my contractions become painful and ranging from 2-7 minutes apart. Hospital is 40 minutes away so once I hit 45 minutes we get ready to leave. Of course the hospital has no rooms so I'm in an OR recovery room. Contractions are getting stronger and I'm already 6cm! About an hour goes by and I'm in a delivery room, and just about 9cm! This girl did not want to wait until midnight. She was coming! I was gbs POS. So I get my antibiotics, and then.... I became a bitch. My back was hurting so bad I couldn't handle it. I got the epidural 🤦🏻‍♀️. Right after they finish I'm 10 cm. Dr breaks my water and I start pushing! 2.5 hours later I had my babygirl!