Not sure how to feel

DM • 🇨🇦 Rainbow baby due Jan 23,2021 🌈 🍁

I am not sure how to feel about this and I need some outside perspective.

Tonight I was telling my husband a story about how I acquired some hangers for our new trailer.

We had just smoked a bowl and I was going into detail about where I acquired them.

(A little back story. My mom is very bad for telling a story and giving details that dont pertain to the story at all. Growing up, I realize that sometimes I do the same thing. I try not to but sometimes it still happens. This really annoys my husband...and me too. Thats why I try not to do it)

So I was in the middle of my story and he interrupts me and says, "how did u get the hangers?!"

I get it, he was annoyed that I was going into too much detail but I have EXTREMELY LOW self esteem and now I dont want to open my mouth anymore around him.

I usually feel like why should I talk. Nobody wants to listen to me. I have nothing interesting to say. My husband kind of confirmed that.

I feel kind of numb right now. Like I dont know how to feel. Should I be hurt angry or neutral about it?