My emotions are sky high and I need a pick me up...

Where to start..where to start.

So my husband and I have been trying for our first baby for over a year and a half now. My doctors tell me “just keep it up everything looks good, we don’t want to do any fertility procedures until they’re our last resort.”

Alright..well it’s getting overwhelming. To the point where everyone in my hometown seems to be drinking out of the same pregnancy water well. Everyone..and I mean everyone..besides my husband and I are getting knocked up. I dread to get on my social media accounts because I fall deep into my feelings after each announcement, gender reveal, labor pictures, or monthly pictures.

I’m so jealous of them it’s making me bitter in a way.

I’ve prayed and prayed along side my husband for a bundle of joy but it just doesn’t seem to be in our favor.

What can I or do I do to get myself out of this funk?

It doesn’t help that every time I talk to certain family members they kind of make remarks “oh so and so is pregnant, I’m so happy for them but I’m ready to be able to love on one of my own”

Yeah, Karen, me freakin too...

I’m just in a depressing predicament and I needed to vent. My husband can only comfort me for so long and listen to me whine and complain so much. I know he’s tired of hearing it at times. And there’s been instances where he feels guilt and wants to take the blame like he’s doing something wrong.

I guess I just needed to put my feelings into words for someone else to hear/see.

I could really use some encouragement or positivity right about now. 😔