
I don’t know what it is but everyone getting pregnant and announcing their pregnancies, genders of their babies, and their babies just being born is making me sad😩 not sad for them, I’m super happy for everyone and their little blessings but I miss it a lot. My daughter is just so big now it seems like. She wants to sit up on her own, attempt to get into crawling position, hold her own bottle, just be so independent, etc. She grew so fast!! I feel like she was a newborn for 2 seconds. I can’t believe she’s 4 months old tomorrow.. I blinked and she just got so big. I miss pregnancy and her kicking and just everything about it besides morning sickness lol. I know some of us on here are pregnant again and it makes me excited for everyone but I totally miss it😩 I’m on birth control and taking precautions because we want to wait another year or so but I know this birth control could make it harder to conceive when I want to and I’m scared of it messing up my body especially being on it for over a year😩 I remember the excitement of announcing my pregnancy, the gender reveal, the shopping, the nursery decorating, everything. I just can’t believe how fast everything went by. I used to think my pregnancy would never end and now that I look back it feels like it went by quick. This time last year I found out I was pregnant. So crazy!