Emotional Abuse?

Hello, I’m looking for some advice. I know I’m in a very manipulative relationship at the moment (not sure if I’d call it emotional abuse but it’s definitely on the brink) and I was wondering if anyone can give me any advice on how to end it:

- I’m 17, he’s also 17. We went to secondary school together and to separate college (been together almost 3 years) I noticed his behaviour began to change with us not seeing each other everyday. Next year I’m moving away to university and he wants to stay with me and I just don’t think it will be possible for him to deal with

- he’s accused me of cheating on him 3 times. He had no proof for it and has no reason to believe I am. He’s actually literally JUST accused me of being in my house with another boy, when I’m actually home alone with my dog.

- his family are really rude to me and I feel like they kind of contribute to his ego/the way he behaves

- he always uses money as a defence mechanism. Whether it be using the fact he bought us lunch a specific day or whether his family have a better car then mine, he will bring it up and integrate into every. Single. Conversation.

- basically, I’m doing a-levels which requires A LOT of time and effort because they are the exams required for university in the UK. I told him before I started this academic year (note that it is only the end of September. The academic year has not lasted a month yet) and he always suggests that I shouldnt prioritise that over him.

Those are just a few characteristics of the relationship. I think he always feels remorseful after being mean but it’s so exhausting. I’m looking for an escape to be honest. Everyone says your teens are the best years of your life and I just feel so deflated and empty all the time. Please help me.