Omg someone help


It's been 6 hours and my daughter will not sleep alone. She was really unsettled a few hours ago, wouldn't stay still, throwing herself back. So I gave her some gripe water and she burped a little. She occasionally falls asleep and I've been transferring her to her bed on and off but she wakes up crying straight away. I've wrapped a blanket around her. Her dad came to try and comfort her and she wouldn't let go of me. I went to the toilet and she cried, then tried to grab me as soon as I came back. She's never usually this clingy unless something is wrong.

I'm honestly exhausted. I was meant to start work in 5 hours (I'm not going for other reasons) but when I actually go back to work how will I survive?

This is it for me everyday from 7pm until 7am and I'm so tired, my doctor said there's nothing left of me, I just look drained with no meat on me. I honestly feel like it. My daughter still wants to go feed in the night, I've been weaning for months with no luck. I'm just tired, I wish I never started breastfeeding I feel like nobody told me how hard this would be. I've expressed since the start and my daughter refuses, we've tried so many bottles and it doesn't work. She'll wait hours for me to return if she has to. I just want to stop breast feeding so bad,she doesn't even need breast milk anymore but she literally won't have anything else. I always give her food and she'll stop after a while and want to be fed.

I fall asleep every night with her next to me, I never spend time with my partner nor do I have any interest or energy to have sex. My partner is complaining about the lack of space and I wake up uncomfortable every single night. This is no fun for me at all. I don't know what else to do anymore.

I have no hobbies. I do nothing, in the day the sleeping situation is the same. She will not sleep and if she does, you move her she will not go back to sleep. She is definitely tired and needs two naps. Wherever we go people always say she looks tired and 9/10 she is because she doesn't nap. I don't like going anywhere for too long because she will cry to be breast feed and I don't like doing it outside nor do I want to.

I never get anything done. I never do anything fun for myself so I'm just miserable every single day.

Please no crying it out advice, I don't agree. My daughter has been ill since birth and currently recovering, so I feel bad about it but I know it's mostly because I'm tired.