Boyfriend Appreciation

I’m not trying to come off like I’m bragging or anything, I’m just genuinely happy that I’m happy in my relationship.

I see so many posts of women being treated so HORRIBLY by their partners. It honestly breaks my heart and I feel so much sympathy for what they go through.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years, I’m 18 and he’s 19. We’re each other’s first actual relationship.

We’re super young! I totally get that! But it feels so right, he’s my best friend.

I go out clubbing with friends, I meet new people. Sure, some people are good looking but I’ve never been more attracted to someone more in my life than my boyfriend. I don’t think anyone is better than him in terms of personality either, nothing compares to some of the goofy shit that comes out of his mouth.

He’s been there for everything. We met just after my dad and I cut ties, he’s seen me start anti depressants, he’s picked me up red eyed and puffy from therapy, was the first to be at the hospital when I got sick.

How he treats me is so loving, he makes me feel so appreciated and beautiful. Just this morning I was looking kind of rough, bed hair, just wearing his shirt and he just pulled me into him and was like “you’re the most beautiful girl in the world, you have no idea how much I love you”. On a less romantic note, it’s even nice him sitting on the toilet doing a shit while I shower just to have a chat

This is the first night in a while we aren’t together, and I just wanted to take the time out of my day to write something I’m grateful for.

If any of you wanna write some mushy, gushy, cliche shit in the comments about you love - go for it!