Just looking for some advice/tips

Hi ladies! 
Like I said I just need some advice and such. 
My plan was to breastfeed while I was out of work on maternity leave (which is 6 weeks). When my DS was born we had some jaundice complications. He had to do 2 rounds under the light. They said I needed to leave him under there as much as possible. So I would get about 10 minutes to feed at breast, then I would pump and feed him what I got from that. It was also a way to keep better track if he was getting enough, as that and pooping is what clears jaundice. Then he starting fighting the breast and it was breaking my heart so after talking it out with my family members we decided to go to just pumping.
But! Anyways :) we're about 3 full days into exclusively pumping. I've gotten to pumping every 3 hours. Up from what seemed like every hour or so just to keep up with him. I'll get about 2 oz from my left breast and about an ounce from my right. Right now my milk just from the left seems to fill him but I can tell that won't last long. I've only been pumping between 10-15 minutes, which from reading some other posts is not enough. 
So I guess what I'm looking for is any tips or trick or anything that might help us. Sometimes I feel like I'm not empty but nothing else is coming out . Also, I've noticed my chest gets really hot usually about the time I'm due to pump. I don't know if that's normal? 
Also, I had a visiting nurse come the day after we came home. About 5 days ago. She said I had bilateral scaring (scabed nipples) they're pretty uncomfortable, I was wondering if there's something I could do about this? Or if I should just let it run its course?
Sorry this ended up being so long and I just gave you my life story! Just want to make sure I'm doing this right :) thank you ladies!