Here we go again.


So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 months. Things moved pretty fast. I started living with him and his parents about a month ago. We instantly fell in love. We have so much fun together and understand each other perfectly. His parents love me and have done so much for me. ( I’m not involved with my parents much) When we first got together, he told me about a girl named misty. We are from Texas and apparently he met her several months before we met in California. He claimed they were just friends. That she was there for him when he needed to talk and shit. Then, he got a package from her. While I was at his house one day. It was a painting of him and a puzzle thing. Also a post card from her

She would text him with hearts, kissy faces, and always saying “ I love you”. I told him how I felt about it which wasn’t good. And he quit talking to her and “ blocked” her number. This was about 3 months ago. She would message his friends talking shit about him and I was watching her twitter and she would post sappy shit about someone you love and how guys ain’t shit and all of this other stuff.

I knew something was going on. I’ve had a gut feeling for 3 days. He was starting to hide his phone when he was on it. I couldn’t ever see the screen. He takes it everywhere with him. And when he goes to the bathroom he is in there for a long time.

So yesterday morning we are texting while I’m headed to work, and I told him my concern about misty (and his ex girlfriend)

When I got home, we didn’t talk about anything. Just had a normal day. So last night I got on his phone. No mysterious texts, photos, apps, or anything. Then I go on his FaceTime. First encounter was Wednesday, at 12: 15 pm. With misty. I was at work... next one was yesterday morning. Literally 2 hours after these texts between us. I was at work.. I feel like they are also talking through text but they’re getting deleted. And that he has told her she can’t text him whenever she wants because I am here..he had also told me that both girls numbers were blocked. Obviously mistys isn’t and neither is his ex girlfriends.

He’s passed out and I am now laying down. He rolls over and says “ I love you” I said “mhm.” He asks me what’s wrong and I asked him if he had anything to tell me. He says no and I tell him what I found he says “ what? When” . Playing dumb. Like WHY?? I HAVE YOU CAUGHT RED HANDED! I had to leave the room because I though I was going to puke. I came back in the room about an hour later. He was awake. Didn’t say a thing to me and as soon as I laid down he went to sleep.

I wake him up every morning at 7 for him to go to work. I didn’t this morning. And he was pissed. Still hasn’t said anything to me but I heard him tell his mom “ well I didn’t have an alarm this morning” after he left for work, I told his mom what happened. She knew nothing about this misty girl.

I have her number. And I am extremely tempted to text her. I know she knows about me. She’s seen my Instagram with my boyfriend on it. Or am I overreacting?

Im off work today so he has to explain himself at some point today. I am so lost and heart broken. Any advice is appreciated.