Baby blues?


Hi all,

I'm currently 9 days PP and think I might be experiencing some "baby blues". As happy and excited as I am to have my son here with me I genuinely miss being pregnant. I had a relatively easy pregnancy as well as delivery but I cant stop crying when I think back on being pregnant and feeling him kick and roll around. I cry just when looking at him because I love him so much and I cant believe that after 4 years ttc he's finally here. I have also started feeling as though I'm going stir crazy. I went from working 40 hrs a week and dreaming about taking my maternity leave to feeling trapped in our house. I feel like I'm going crazy between feeling trapped in my house and crying because I miss my baby that is literally in my arms. I don't know what to do to make it better and am looking for any suggestions on how to cope. Thanks in advance!