bf and i are long distance again


we met online a few years ago and dated for a couple months but broke up. a couple years later we reconnected and started dating again. about 8 months into our relationship we decided that i would go and meet him (we live about 4,000 miles away from each other).

i finally got to meet this man that i’ve loved for so long. he was amazing, and so, so sweet to me. being with him was like a dream. i was with him for about 3 months because i just didn’t want to leave, i loved him so much (not one sided btw), but the time finally came when i had to go back home.

it was the day of my flight, i packed up all my stuff and we left for the airport. when we got there he helped me with my suitcases and we got everything checked in and we were walking to go through security, and he asked me if i was okay because i had been quiet. when he asked me that i just bursted into tears because i couldn’t handle the fact that i wouldn’t see him for about another year or so.

he calmed me down and i was about to go through security and he went back and got a pass so he could go through and wait with me before my flight left, god he’s so sweet. while we were waiting, my group finally got called to start boarding the plane. we got up and got in line and when it was almost my turn to get my ticket scanned, we hugged and he kissed me as tears were streaming down my face.

while i was on the plane after i finally stopped crying, i was digging through my carryon and found an envelope with my name on it. i opened it and there was a card, his favorite bracelet, and a yu-ig-oh card he had gotten a month earlier at a convention. the tears started as soon as i saw my name on that card. i feel bad for the person sitting next to me, hearing my sniffle the whole flight 😂.

it’s been a couple days since i left and i can’t stop feeling so lonely and depressed. sad about all the things i didn’t get to do with him before i left and sad about how i won’t see him for a long time. i survived just fine being long distance before, but i have no clue how i’m going to now, after having met and fallen in love with him all over again in person.

to top it all off, we can’t even facetime because the camera in his phone broke about a week before i left, ain’t that just a kick in the head 😂😭