Mini rant!

I have a 7 month old baby girl and not struggling to get pregnant but I do know a ton of people who are. I have this girl I went to school with that is basically “trailer trash” she lives in one of the worse drug trailer parks we have and it’s not even a trailer, it’s a camper. It’s piled high with trash, dog poop on the floor and just dirty every inch of the place. I know this because post pictures of her and I can see the background. People comment for her to clean it and she replies to them “it’s clean” anyways, she first had a baby years ago and then got him taken away after having him for less then a year, then she had another one, had her for less then 5 months and got her taken away, then had another one and got him taken away. Now she is pregnant again. It bothers me so freaking much that she is pregnant again after getting 3 kids taken away by state! But yet there are people paying thousands of dollars to get pregnant. I don’t want to hear any negative comments about me talking about her or “you don’t know her situation” actually I do, she post all her information on Facebook or messages me when I ask what happened. I don’t Understand how she can keep having them, this one should be taken as soon as it’s born. Just to give you an idea on what their “house” looks like.