How to make this work?

5 months in this relationship & were completely different which I don’t mind.

He’s more chill I’m more out going, way more talkative/ social he’s more to himself very quiet.

He’s very loyal, trustworthy and honest but I just don’t know how to mesh with him.

When we’re out he’s so quiet and to himself that I rather us do things separately, I can’t seem to have fun with him when we’re out. Even when I’m over his house I’ll try talking to him to make conversation and all he says is “mmm, yea, ok” it’s like I’m pulling teeth. He doesn’t talk about anything really and when I brought this up he says it’s because he’s constantly thinking about things in his head. I ease his mind that he’s constantly thinking about our future.

He’s such a great/ genuine guy and I really want us to work but I don’t know how to make it work.

He’s so quiet that I just don’t know how to go about this.

Does this change overtime? Anyone been in my shoes? What happened?

Edit- he just tells me he’s quiet he’s always been to himself.