My arranged marriage gone wrong

My third wedding anniversary is coming next month and i can't stop thinking about all the fights we had in those three years..from first day of our marriage, the fights began and they are still going on. Let me tell u guys that it was an arranged marriage, as stupid it may sound, but i did get engaged to the man i never actually met in my life b4. Our elders arranged it, i got to talk to him for gud 1 over skype before we got married. He was in germany doing his phd and i was in US. I was a very low self-esteemed person back then, and my now husband was very confident (he was a maths teacher for few years ) i was a bachelors student..i was 23, he was 28. He used to talk to me hours nd hours. He is such a control freak, he started to slowly control me while we were engaged but that time i was so in love that i didn't feel it. Well fast forward till today, we have a 4 months old daughter now. The that he is very abusive.. he usedsvulger language for me and my family.i do the same sometimes when i lose my patience. So the thing is, he is very caring otherwise, he is the only one working, tries to provide me nd the baby everything.. BUT he doesn't value my opinion in any thing. He still thinks i am that 23 yr old low self-esteemed naive girl, who would listen to him no matter what. Well things have changed, i m a mother now, i m 27 now..i have an opinion too. Yest. He fought with me again, used vulger language infront of our daughter..i m just thinking how bad it's going to be when our baby is old enough to understand all this..he is crazy about his daughter, tries to get the best for her, always making plans for her college and stuff. I just feel guilty for my baby..should i leave him now? Should i keep giving him chances? Should i wait till i am financially independent? I don't want my daughter to suffer..there is a part of me that keeps telling me, may be things will get better..but who knows..