Hcg and progesterone levels at 3ish weeks pregnant

Hi fellow mommies or soon to be mommies,
I had a question regarding hcg and hormone levels. I'm pregnant with #3 and today am currently 3 weeks 4 days. I got my first positive on Sunday 10/11/15 (11 dpo; 3 weeks 2 days). In the past after a positive I call my dr and go in for a test to confirm pregnancy which we did again this time. Labs were drawn on Monday 10/12/15 (3 weeks 3 days). My Hcg was 53 and progesterone 37.9. He said that the hcg was low but indicative of where I was at in early pregnancy. He said it should about double every 2-3 days and typically at four weeks should be around 120. He said just as a precaution if I wanted we could retest in a few days to make sure the number was headed in the right direction. Of course I took another pregnancy test this morning and the line was about the same not darker from 48 prior 😐He said the progesterone was strong and usually he'd see 10-20 at this point so that's good at least. I think it's fine, but of course I wish the hcg was higher so I'd feel more secure. Just wondered if any of you had similar numbers and if everything turned out alright? I'd appreciate the feedback.