did I f#%$ up??

🌜D🌛 • “bloody hell”

I’m a female junior in highschool, I currently have a boyfriend who I just went to homecoming with, but he got kinda... touchy clingy too fast for my liking and didn’t listen to me when i told him I didn’t like it (yeah I’m a clown for that 🤡)


I now have a crush on another guy, and EVERY girl in the classes we share together has a crush on him. He sits across from me, with two other girls in the middle. These girls are ALWAYS teasing him, stealing his stuff and doing the *whisper whisper teehee* “what are you saying?” “Nothinggg” BS.... and this boy looks at me every time and says “are they serious?” because I don’t play along :) and that’s happened for maybe a month now.

Fast forward to a week ago today, one of those girls asks him to the dance (he declines, poor girl (AND he doesn’t actually go at all)) but he’s telling me that this girl had asked him and says “I really didn’t think anyone liked me”

AAAAND Thats when I confessed that I also like him. “Well, I gotta be honest I like you too.” and THEN (here’s where I think I blew it) I said “but I don’t know anything about you yet, and I would want to be your friend before just jumping right into something.”

So for a long story short, did I put myself in the friend zone?? Is there any way for me to dig myself out??

P.S. we still talk daily and are still getting to know eachother (??!!) but.... is that just talk? Will that mean anything?? PLEASE HELP A GIRL OUT! BOYS ARE WEIRD!!