What would you do ?

I have to start by saying I fo don’t have any problems with how someone else lives their lives as long as they aren’t hurting themselves or someone else. I accept everyone for who they are and what they believe. I work at a chiropractic office and my head was down. I looked up quickly and said hi welcome to (office name) how are you doing sir? As soon as the person hears me they said, “I am a women” I apologized and gave them their paper work. When they were finished I started to put their info in the system and when it came to gender section they selected male. It made me feel a little weird because they said they were a women. I walked to the back to talk to the doctor about it and told him what happened. My doctor said, if they told you they are a women but put male I am going to call the Mr. I didn’t say anything to the doctor because honestly I didn’t know what to say. Fast forward, he called the person Mr. and they go into a argument. The person left and got in contact with the owner. The patient is now suing because they claim the doctor discriminated against them and did not want to adjust them because of their sexual orientation and now I have to go to court. The doctor did not deny the patient but he did refuse to call the patient by their pronoun. I really don’t want to go to court and speak because I do not have any hate in my body and I would refer to the patient however they wanted me too, but my doctor disagrees with how other people lives. I do not think that a person should be forced to call someone something else l, but I always believe that you need to respect everyone. How would you handle the situation?