He broke up with me for wanting to go to my sisters MORE UPDATES

My fiance hates when I go anywhere, even to my family's house.

My sister is pregnant so I am planning her shower. She asked if I could come over for dinner so we can start getting a game plan established for the shower. She lives about 20 mins away from me, so I ran it by my fiance not thinking it's a big deal.

He does this literally every time I leave the house- whether it's for lunch with my mom, going to my sisters, or seeing a girlfriend. I only leave my house maybe 1 time a week or every other week.... otherwise, all my time is with him and our baby- or at work.

Am I right to be upset? I just feel like he doesnt want me to have any life. I just want him to respond normally.


I'm fucking done with him. Excuse my language...