The three times I was sexually harassed( this was for me only but if you have any advice please feel free to leave any)


This was taken place in mexico. I remember the houses’ walls holding up with ropes. The water going through because the walls were made up of bamboo sticks, water going through The roof whenever there was a storm. My twin sisters and I having to share every single piece of clothing or footwear because I can say we were poor. As of now, this was never an issue for me. I was young and didn’t know what money was. My mother was always trying to work and help us get by , I guess you can say I admired her for that only. She had 5 children total including me, at that time her youngest child was not born yet. I remember her leaving to the USA to make a living and help us get through. I stayed with my grandma and twin sisters. The most loneliest years of my childhood as I always felt out of place, my twins sisters were always with my grandma because my mom was too busy trying to find work; they considered my sisters as daughters and I was just another kid they were watching. At least that’s how I felt. I was a kid , i didn’t know I had all-this feelings till now; I relive this feelings more and more everyday and thought talking about it might help me. I remember being six-seven years old going through this events that still haunt me every single day. I was sexually harassed by my grandpa and wanna know the worst part ? He also harassed my mother when she was kid. He is her step-dad and I hate him more than you can imagine, I was a child who I thought my life was perfect even when it wasn’t. I remember him coming into my room and doing things to me, I remember slight pain, I remember the things he would whisper to me. I was his victim, he went after my mom because she wasn’t his daughter. Did he come after me because he saw my twin sister as daughters and not me ? I don’t blame them, I’m glad I was the one and not them. I remember the first time he got caught, I was preparing some food helping my grandma and when she came in the room she noticed him standing close to me whispering things to me. Then she grabbed wood from the fireplace and hit him in the back, till this day I get a little joy from that but the harassment continued till I turned ten-eleven years old. She never left him and I can’t blame her, she had a lot more grandchildren to take care of and couldn’t do it alone. Pretty lady thank you for defending me and believing me that day; your life was extremely hard and you will always be in my heart even if you don’t know it. You took care of me more than my real mother did.

My gramma informed my mom about the events taking place and she came back to pick me up and take me to where she was now living. Keep in mind all this years we thought she was living in the USA. We found out she was back in mexico living 20 hours away from us with my youngest sibling who we didn’t know about. She is four years younger than me. Everything was different, we didn’t have to wash clothes by hand, walk in the dark to use the restroom or heat up the water every time we showered. The room she was renting was half the size of a regular bedroom, but I was happy. I had a new sister, maybe someone I could bond with better than with my twin sisters and away from the person I despise the most. When we opened the door , there was an uniform.. a soldiers’ one. Turns out my mother was dating some guy and he was not our dad. We’re all from 3 different parents, this does not matter because non of us met our real dad but Once she told me about her new boyfriend, i didn’t think anything of it.. He came home and we met, we got along and played. One night my youngest sister cried and told my mom the boyfriend made her put her hand on his private part and my mom comforted him and he denied it , never told my mom this but I also remember playing with him and him pushing my head against his private parts. He started being an asshole towards my youngest sister and favoriting me more. I never had this in my life, he never tried anything against me and I felt safe for once. Later in the year we moved, My mom thought he was cheating on her and that cause a big argument. I remember her screaming my name one night, I was confused till I heard him slapping my mom multiples times. See I had this phone where I could make calls but they couldn’t hear me. I called the cops but They couldn’t hear.. I was hoping they would send someone but no one showed up. I couldn’t do anything, I was helpless and scared. My sister and I went to school , they fixed their problems and got together again. This continued for what it felt an eternity. He would slap her, we had to leave the house at night because she didn’t want him to hit us. We slept at her work or friends house because we were hiding from him, but she still stayed with him. We spent New Years alone hiding from him.

Keep this quote in mind because she told me “ if he ever does anything to you, tell me. I will believe my children over a men” my moms boyfriend turned to me, i was once again being harassed. He would hump me, kiss me, and touch me. I would freeze and think of all the things he would do to my mom if I said anything. He would watch porn in front of me and enjoy it if I even looked for a second. Fast forwarding my oldest brother had a life in the USA , met his perfect wife and brought us along with him. First my youngest sister then me, he didn’t know about what was happening with us but once we told him... we dropped everything on him. He was heart broken and went off my mom. Do you know what she did ? She yelled at me through the phone and called me a liar because she believed him over me. I hanged up and cried. All this time I feel like no one believes me.. that is some story I made up to get attention. Haven’t talked to her ever since , I hate her and those two guys equally.. she was my mother and she was supposed to believe me. I still suffer from this and I’m now twenty one years old. She never once apologized, she told me she would believe me and didn’t... from the age twelve to 21 was ups and downs but every family goes through them. My niece and nephew were born, my little persons who I adore and will protect from any harm. I thank god EVERY day from letting me get out of that hell... there was a time I thought only bad things happened to me and well this leads to the third time I was harassed. I’m still not ready to talk about it just yet..