My Boyfriend continues to lie to me

We’ve been together 4 years I am currently pregnant nearly done with my pregnancy. He lies about little shit all the time ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Ex.) his family will ask him how I am or whatever he lies and says everything’s fine.” They invite us on trip or anyone for that matter he lies “ X doesn’t want to go.” “X is tired.” He ditched me the first half of my pregnancy to hangout with his bestfriend and help Him renevate his house for his (the friends) new girlfriend he told me it was just to help him then months later said it was because he was scared during the pregnancy and needed time. He lies about buying car parts today our dog shit all over our home she’s never pooped in our house ever it was. Everywhere think of the pooma (roomba) story where the dudes little robo vacuum smeared dog shit everywhere well that was my morning. A poop tastrophy literally. He takes off to work and cleans what he can I asked him to see if he can borrow a carpet cleaner off of one of his friends. He says yes but that he’ll have to leave after work to get it he’s gone for almost two hours. Comes back dealing of beer I asked him why he stunk like beer “I haven’t had any I don’t know why you’d smell that.” I figured it was in my head and left it alone bout 30 mins later I smelt it again and asked him and he shrugged I asked why he lied he said nothing. Am I wrong to just not want to be with him at this point? We’ve had SEVERAL conversations about him just being honest and not lying. We have other issues as well and I’ve just had it. I’m sure writhing all this I sound like a total bitch I promise I’m not if he wants to go on an all weekend fishing trip cool just let me know. If he wants to go to a strip coin cool let me know just communicate wtf you’re doing once honestly and I don’t give a shit. I don’t ask him where he’s at or track his location like crazy girl I just ask he communicates with me and let’s me know what’s going on and he’s failed to do that for four ducking years.

I’m sorry for the rant I needed to get it out there. Can someone please give me advice