Explosive diarrhea

Well not me but our dog. At 4 AM I woke up to our dog crying to go out. He’s been having stomach issues and needs to go out at night. I haven’t been sleeping well because of it. So anyways, I wake up to him and this smell. The poor thing had explosive diarrhea and it was all over the floor. 😩 I’m a SAHW so I know it’s up to me to take care of things. So as I quietly as possible I him and our other dog outside to potty, brought them back in and put up a gate so I could clean the floor without worrying about them. I grabbed some spray and paper towels. I worked as quietly as possible so not to wake my husband as he was completely passed out this whole time.

For 25 minutes I sprayed quietly, tore the paper towels quietly and worked by the flashlight on my phone. It wasn’t coming up very well. There was so much of it! I grabbed a can of carpet cleaner and that’s when my husband woke up. Why? Not because of noise from the dog crying or noise I was making but because he had to pee. He sees me on the floor working by flashlight. Asks what I was doing and I tell him and just says “oh”. Now that he’s awake I got our carpet shampooer. I didn’t want to use it before because it’s loud and it would have woken him up. I’m grabbing it and my husband isn’t in the bedroom anymore. I look in our guest room and there he is. Didn’t ask if I needed help or check on the dogs or anything. He got up, peed and went back to sleep. Leaving me to continue cleaning up the diarrhea that was still everywhere on the floor.

I’m annoyed with him. I know I’m a grown woman and can take of myself but he saw how bad it was. He saw that it was everywhere. I can’t believe he went back to sleep. Didn’t offer any help. So I’m overreacting aren’t I?