Crazy SIL!

My SIL has turned into a total nightmare since baby came. Baby is now 14 months and I have tolerated over a year of being treated horrifically...criticized at every turn, talked about behind my back, being told that requesting what my baby needs in the moment is rude, acting like she knows better (even though she has no children), and just generally treating me like I have no idea what I’m doing and that she would rather just take my baby away from me and banish me so I’m not around.

I finally forced her to sit down and talk to me because I had enough. I was limiting my exposure to her and she went around acting like I was keeping my child from her, playing a total victim sob story.

Pretty much everything I felt that she thought she confirmed in our conversation. She started crying when I told her that sometimes when we are all together with the baby she acts like she would rather not have me around. She went on to explain that baby will always prefer me over her (no shit) and that “the only way she will bond with me is if I have her alone and she is forced to rely on me”. Whoa. What. That’s not how that works.

She is never around, regardless of the many invitations and telling her she is always welcome to stop in (she lives 2 minutes from us). She has made no attempt at having a relationship with me, THE MOTHER. But I’m just supposed to leave my baby with her?

She said she was super hurt and offended that we didn’t ask her to babysit for a wedding we went to (first night out for us since baby!). I explained to her I felt more comfortable with my friend who we see every week and had built a relationship with baby, that she had never previously been alone with my baby before but everything went smoothly. Which shows you don’t need to force a child into an uncomfortable situation to bond with them!

My baby has always been uncomfortable around her, and still cries to this day when she holds her. She does not respect her boundaries whatsoever. I’m just so over this. But, somehow I am the bad guy!