Nighttime Advice


Hello all, I need some advice from you mamas. Maybe there are other people in the same boat. My little man is 10 weeks and I’m having a hard time getting him to sleep in his bassinet. In the beginning he did good, once the doctor said we didn’t have to wake him to eat, he would sleep 5-7 hours straight. Now, the only way he will sleep that long is if he’s in our bed. I don’t think it’s that I’m next to him because I could lay him in our bed and before I lay down I just watch him and he passes out instantly. I thought maybe he liked our mattress so I got the same one for his crib, but he won’t sleep in there either. I love sleeping with him, but I don’t want to create a bad habit. I feel like I’ve tried everything to keep him in his bassinet, but nothing works and I need my sleep as well so he always ends up back in bed with me.

Also, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but ever since his 2 months shots, he needs to be held constantly during the day. He would take 30 min-an hour nap in his swing or crib, but now the second you lay him down he screams.

I should also mention, we are having a hard time starting a routine for him. My husband always comes home at a different time so it’s hard to get him down at the same time every night especially since he won’t stay in the bassinet so someone needs to be in the room with him if we put him in the bed.